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The Sniper

The Sniper: A Chilling Tale from the Irish Civil War

The Sniper's Perspective

In the shadow of O'Connell Bridge, a lone Republican sniper perched on a rooftop, his rifle at the ready. Through the lens of his field glasses, he surveyed the scene below, his gaze fixed on his target.

Summary of Liam O'Flaherty's "The Sniper"

Liam O'Flaherty's "The Sniper" captures the raw intensity of the Irish Civil War through the eyes of a Republican sniper. As the sun begins to rise over Dublin, the sniper engages in a deadly duel with an unknown adversary, each shot echoing through the desolate streets.

In-Depth Analysis

Political Context

The Irish Civil War, a bitter conflict between Republicans and Free Staters, forms the backdrop of "The Sniper." The story explores the consequences of a divided Ireland and the complexities of loyalty and betrayal.

Psychological Impact

O'Flaherty delves into the psychological toll of war on the sniper. As the battle intensifies, the protagonist grapples with guilt, fear, and the weight of taking human life.


The sniper's rooftop position serves as a powerful symbol of isolation and detachment from the world below. O'Flaherty uses vivid imagery to depict the stark urban landscape, ravaged by the conflict.

Further Exploration
